Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Talk louder; I can't see you!"

Hindsite might be 20/20 (and in this case, spelled wrong), but Frankly* I don't see the problem here. SNL spoofed a goof of a Governor and a blind spokesman says SNL is wrong to do so ("National Federation of the Blind spokesman Chris Danielsen said the portrayal suggesting Paterson as befuddled and disoriented because of his blindness is "absolutely wrong."") thus proving the point of humor, that this comic skit was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. SNL isn't "saying" that the Gov is a boob BECAUSE he is disabled, but that he is just a boob - an outstanding boob, and he really needs to be careful where he stands on the issues, less he trip up.

I got my eye on you, Chris Danielsen, ooh you....why I should....well, at least my good eye...Watch it!

And, SNL, keep up the good work - you have really opened my eye on this and many other royal subjects. LONG LIVE KING VA-GOYA-BITCH!

*Frankly: here capitalized as an endearing deference to Him, Al Franken.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Punch-in with your comments on "the Vagina Punch"!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yeah, the writer's strike is OVER !!

From the Bill Maher Show, las Friday:

"“Dear Suzy,” in summer camp....“Summer camp sucks. I’m stuck in a cabin with 72 virgins. It’s like a Ground Zero for boredom here.

Thank God for my iPod, I have all my “fave” bands in there: Anthrax, Biohazard, Poison, Slayer, Megadeth, Suicidal Tendencies. And some girl stole my bottle of Explosive brand hair gel. And when I find out who – what was missing, I blew up. ...Someone said I look like ‘Ugly Betty’, which sucks because I hate America


Well, I need some toiletries, so I’m gonna hit Target before I crash....See you in the next life.”"

Oops, I hope this doesn't get the internet in trouble.