Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Testing this now

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Seasonal vs Temp employment? What can that mean?

"In the past, a waiver of monies owed for certain non-exempt services normally rendered has been offered to temporary employees who had worked for this institution for more than six months.  Temporary assignments will no longer exceed a six month period and therefore the eligibility requirement for this benefit can no longer be met."
In this hypothetical, the institution is on a 2 period seasonal cycle,  Allways: one lasting from January 1st to June 30th, the second from July 1st to December 31st. Both periods are longer than 180 days (6 months) by either 2 or 3 days - depending on which period you are analyzing.

Is this what the state intended, in this case, let's say Illinois?

In my opinion, if you are hired from period to period consecutively, then those benefits should remain intact.  It just looks like nit-picking into a loop-hole.  However, this loop-hole could back fire, when we look at how long 6 months is as opposed to the actual hiring period days. Legally, 6 months is shorter than either seasonal period, as described = 6 months = 180 days.  In Illinois, legally, 6 months MEANS 180 days; and there are ZERO exceptions to this.  6 months is used colloquially, 180 days is used contractually.


If your institution is trying things like this, report in here.  It seems to run askew of the intent of most state Labor practices expected of businesses - profit or non-profit.

An Aside:

In the case of Illinois, if you work for ANY business that hires 10 or more FULL time employees, generally, the following must apply:

[The following was supposed to have been voted on (again, using Illinois as the example) in 2007-2009.
I do not know if this has passed either the House or Senate at this point:]

Full-time Minimum pay must be equivelent to 450.00 per week , no matter hours scheduled
Part-time Minimum pay must be 225.00 per week, regardless of hours scheduled
Temporary employees must be converted AUTOMATICALLY to Part-time employees once they reach either 5 consecutive years of employment or 7 years of CUMULATIVE employment regardless of release conditions (they could either have quit or have been fired previously)
Seasonal employees are to be AUTOMATICALLY converted to Part-time Employees after 7 CUMULATIVE years of employment (including any and all previous conditional employment - either cumulative or consecutive, full, part, or temp, or even contractual - as in a case where a contracted faculty might wan to transition to a clerical or managerial staffer, etc.)
Employment "Fractures" (non procedural, such as computer or programming malfunctions, obvious clerical errors such as being "fired" on a Saturday then being "re-hired" aministratively on a Sunday, all clerically corrected after said dates) do not count to nor against employment time served when adding for CUMULATIVE time, and do NOT count AGAINST an employee when calculating CONSECUTIVE time accrued.

Does this sound like a good law to be passed? Has it passed? In any state? Report here!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Talk louder; I can't see you!"

Hindsite might be 20/20 (and in this case, spelled wrong), but Frankly* I don't see the problem here. SNL spoofed a goof of a Governor and a blind spokesman says SNL is wrong to do so ("National Federation of the Blind spokesman Chris Danielsen said the portrayal suggesting Paterson as befuddled and disoriented because of his blindness is "absolutely wrong."") thus proving the point of humor, that this comic skit was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. SNL isn't "saying" that the Gov is a boob BECAUSE he is disabled, but that he is just a boob - an outstanding boob, and he really needs to be careful where he stands on the issues, less he trip up.

I got my eye on you, Chris Danielsen, ooh you....why I should....well, at least my good eye...Watch it!

And, SNL, keep up the good work - you have really opened my eye on this and many other royal subjects. LONG LIVE KING VA-GOYA-BITCH!

*Frankly: here capitalized as an endearing deference to Him, Al Franken.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Punch-in with your comments on "the Vagina Punch"!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yeah, the writer's strike is OVER !!

From the Bill Maher Show, las Friday:

"“Dear Suzy,” in summer camp....“Summer camp sucks. I’m stuck in a cabin with 72 virgins. It’s like a Ground Zero for boredom here.

Thank God for my iPod, I have all my “fave” bands in there: Anthrax, Biohazard, Poison, Slayer, Megadeth, Suicidal Tendencies. And some girl stole my bottle of Explosive brand hair gel. And when I find out who – what was missing, I blew up. ...Someone said I look like ‘Ugly Betty’, which sucks because I hate America


Well, I need some toiletries, so I’m gonna hit Target before I crash....See you in the next life.”"

Oops, I hope this doesn't get the internet in trouble.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

United Hollywood - 'What's with the "Layin' Low"?'

Well, I'll tell ya why I haven't been writing much. Because, I too, am "on strike" with my brothers and sisters of solidarity!

And why not? WGA members and supporters are bloggin' on BLOGSPOT, too!

OK. I don't get paid to write in this blog, but who cares? Maybe I'll add some Adsense to this tripe later.

I have two friends that are IATSE, and they are just sitting around. Me, too.

I am a member of 10-208 and I am behind you all the way.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The editors of W.IN.E are spelling-bee chumps !

The Women's Entertainment 'zine out of Chi-town [Henley & Ass. Entertainment, Inc.] is fooling us all - men & women - with their idiotic misspellings and constant misrepresentations embarrassing everyone that comes under their path.

Either that, or just get whomever is proof-reading your zine AND website (just a boiler-plate of the zine, word-for-word) a different job - because they SUCK HARD at proofing! Oh, wait. My staff informs me that the Editor is also the Publisher. OK.

And the current issue? Pa-Lease, which ONE of the four women on the cover have ANYTHING to do with Chicago? OK, you have to forgive our "staff" here at P:C?, because as the zine proves, it is only distributed in Chicago, so ANYONE with a BRAIN would assume that the zine is for CHICAGO women of Talent - but, this is never explained. Just what is your "vision" Ms. H.? We really don't get it, and never will - unless you "...esplain, Lucy!".

She calls her typically 11-page "tome" a "Mega-Magazine"; moron. Sorry, I mean Cutie-Pie BooBoo. She page numbers the back cover! It's a FULL-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT! You do NOT number full-page ads - not ever.

And as far as content goes, Kimora does not go by "Kimora Lee", she goes by KIMORA or KIMORA LEE SIMMONS or KLS. You would know that if you bothered to watch her show or glance at her website or actually ask her in an interview that you conducted yourself!

JOSS! Nice bird, that! But, you just have to luv those Brits trying to COP the Motown sound - without even asking any of the old townees to be in on the sessions! The drummer on the L.O.V.E. track is a BRITISH-born studio cat, and mostly a bass player (you can definitely hear that in his playing!)

Valeisha Butterfield - there is NO WAY you have permission to use that promo shot of her that was obviously lifted from ! The WINE zine talks about this group of WINErs getting together to form an ad hoc union of sorts, in order to sort out or "ween" us all from RAPs evil lyrics - except that Ms. B was supposed to marry RAPPER The Game back in March of this year (007), I really don't see a conflict of interest unless of course The Game ain't all that , because if he was, he would certainly have to have lyric content extolling the Stole, the Bling, the Bitches & Hos, and Goin' to the Club.

Ya, "The Game"'s got lyrics and titles that really elevate the mind of all humans, like: Walk Wit Me, Real N****s Stand Up (our staff assures me that N****s really means NiggAs - this, I did not know, because I guess I mis-counted the ASS-TERICKS, it's OK if you say NiggA, if yer white and yer wit black folk, and if a wiggA wannA live), That's Presidents, It Gets Thicker (prolly talkin' 'bout his dick). Yep - really fuckin' elevatin', mutha fuckaz!

Holy FUCK-all. Nice bottle of WINE you got there!

What a load of crap.

Well, we at least are giving them some "pub" and net-cred; HEY, I am actually linking back to their site - so you can at least examine the spelling eros we caught!