Friday, October 5, 2007

Flag your enthusiasm.

The American Flag, when flown on US owned or operated land, flies highest above all other flags.

Come on, people, read the code. It's not that difficult. Unless you don't read English - then that is a problem.

And, I will learn to speak Mexican when someone pays for my copy of Rosetta Stone Software. But, that is only fair as Mexicans can learn English on my tax dime.

And, speaking of iFilm (More-ons), please. Just die.

Glen Beck? You go girlie-man! Then, again , Mr. Beck did prove that he could at least guest star - if not consult for - NBC's The Office...and this iFilm catch really is the ONLY time they have found actual EVIDENCE of gaf. On the other hand, even after Mr. Beck's uncomfortable moment (he's no Robin Williams), his sexy hottie guest was able to recover - and perhaps her total silence was all that was needed to put Glen in check. No apology needed. That would be too PC for this blog anyway!

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